Year 2

Digital Architecture

During Term 1, the Year 2 girls explored architecture. They looked at different building designs from around the world and discussed what they found interesting about their construction. The girls also drew the school buildings from observation paying close attention to include all the architectural details they saw in their illustration. Inspired by the buildings they had seen the girls then began to design their own and then used the iPad application Block Art to produce a digital representation of their building.

Figurative Sculpture

During Term 2, the Year 2 girls’ unit was an inquiry into the human body and how artists have been inspired by this subject matter when creating artworks from different mediums. In particular, the girls looked at the paintings and sculptures of ballerinas by Edgar Degas and explored gymnastic body balances to make different shapes with their bodies. They took photographs of their body balances and used them for observational drawing, and they then picked one to inform the shape of their sculpture. Using newspaper, masking tape and wire the girls created their figures form. They then learnt how to apply modroc to their sculpture and completed it with a rust effect paint.

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